Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR Research

 I've started thinking more and more about my CCR and what I'm going to include to it so I continued my research and thinking about how I'm going to answer the questions. Here are questions 3 and 4. 

#3: How did your production skills develop throughout this project?

    - I feel like my production skills have improved so much with this     project because it has really made me realize how much work goes        into creating a production and how everything has to be planned or     else it will take so much longer, and how important all the            smallest details really are, such as lighting, angles, sound, and     just everything that is contributing to the film. I also feel like     I improved a lot with editing since I had to do a lot of research     on how to use a lot of things on Premiere Pro that I didn't need in     past projects like the Music Marketing Project or the One Word        Film. I believe that this project is going to showcase the best I     could have done with the editing, but I also believe that I have so     much space for improvement because I'm just starting and I still        have so much to learn and so many opportunities to improve even        more.

#4: How did you integrate technologies – software, hardware and online in this project?

    - For this project, I integrated a lot of different technologies in     order to achieve the best product. For example, the main software I     used was Premiere Pro for editing and putting together all of the     sounds and everything. I also used a software that I was already        very familiar with, which is Canva, to help me design the            production logo. For hardware technologies, we used my phone to        film since we had no access to a camera and also used it to record     foley sounds that we needed as well as the actual argument among        the parents. For lighting, we used a lamp that my mom had that        could change colors and in some shots, like the one where we show     the picture frame of Layla and Liam, we had to play with our            phone's flashlights to help the picture actually be seen, but        without having the light reflect off of it. In regards to online        technologies, I used Blogger almost every day to track my progress     throughout this whole production!

This is only an idea of what I plan on saying since I'm planning on still expanding it a lot more and elaborating on a lot, especially fro question #3. 

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CCR Research

 I've started thinking more and more about my CCR and what I'm going to include to it so I continued my research and thinking about ...