These past few days, I started thinking about the credits I’m gonna need to include in my film because I had no idea how many or which ones are most commonly included. This led me to watching some examples from other coming of age films that could inspire my credit sequences.
The first film credit sequences I watched were the ones of the film Lady Bird. It starts with “A24 AND IAC FILMS PRESENT” which I have seen that is a very common start for coming of age films. Then, the title of the film is shown in fulls creen and then moves on to show the name of the cast members consecutively while shots are being displayed on screen. It continues to show who casted, music supervisors, music by, costume designer, edited by, production designer, director of photography, co producers, executive producer, produced by, and written and directed by. This shows a big list of credits that are included in films which I will need to take into account when creating my list.
The second film was The Breakfast Club and the credit sequence included of Universal Pictures, followed by an A&M Films Channel Production, A John Hughes Film, and the title of the film, followed by the cast shown in alphabetical order, casting by, costume designer, production supervisor, executive producers, music composed and supervised by, edited by, production designer, director of photography, co-produced by, produced by, and written and directed by. This list is similar to the last one I watched apart from the fact that it was all shown on a black screen instead of showing the start of the movie, but this could be because it is an older movie.
The last movie opening credit sequences are for the film Juno. This sequence begins with Fox Searchlight Pictures presents, a Mandate Pictures, Mr. Mudd Production, a Jason Reitman film, and then display the film title. It the begins to show the names of the cast members, casting by, costume designer, music by, songs by, music supervisors, co-producers, film editor, production designer, director of photography, executive producers, produced by, written by, and directed by. Unlike The Breakfast Club, this film shows the credit while there are some shots being shown with an artistic twist to the graphics instead of just a plain white screen.
Overall, the credits listed in all three movies are basically all the same. This really helped me have a clear idea of what I need to include in my film credit sequence and I will definitely use what I learned today as a form of inspiration.
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