So today in class we had our first group meeting! At first I was slightly confused because I thought we were going to be with our partner and one other group and just share ideas and suggestions, but instead everyone got separated from their group and was placed in a group of around 5 people so each person would have a different idea to share. Throughout the whole class I took notes in my laptop of what each person's ideas were and overall suggestions we all made.
One girl in my group, Ale, was going to do a film under the drama genre and it was based on how girls are wanting to fit the "beauty standard". She wanted to start her film with the last scene of the whole movie and then go back to the beginning, so we all gave her some ideas on how to transition from the end to the beginning so it can flow smoothly.
The second person to go, Addison, was going to do a psychological thriller and it would show a wife that killed her husband and the opening scene would show her buying supplies to bury him. We helped her develop the end of her scene a little more to make it more psychological to show how the mind of the woman is controlling her every emotion.
I went after her but I'll talk about mine towards the end. SO moving on to Renn, it was a western drama in which the stereotype of cowboys always saving the day would be broken, by showing a cowgirls and having her not be sexualized. We came up with ways to help develop that theme of breaking stereotypes throughout the production.
Last person to go was Vicky, and she was doing a dystopian film in which two best friends live in this world in which every year people get chosen to fight for a power but they don't know that they are fighting for an actual prize. I personally felt like it needed a little more developing so I helped her come up with ideas of how to explain the overall point of the contest without giving it all away in the first two minutes, and we also helped her come up with filming locations that she could use to film a specific part of her film.
And finally for my film, I haven't talked about my overall plot idea on here yet but I'll make sure to do that really soon. I won't give it away right now but I will say that they helped me come up with ideas of how to develop my character a little more since I'm doing a coming of age and that's the most important aspect of it. They also helped me come up with names for my characters that fit their description the best and made me realize that I should consider the reason why one of my characters is going to be dead... BUT WE'LL TALK ABOUT THAT LATER.
Overall, I feel like this group meeting really helped each person gain ideas or suggestions from other people and I will talk to my partner and see what her group recommended and we can combine ideas to create something even better.
Here's a picture of the notes I took during class:
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