Saturday, February 15, 2025

Media Theories

     Recently in class, we diver into more media theories that can be applied to productions, and after looking through all of them and considering my plot, I decided that it could be a good idea to incorporate one the Narrative Codes theory by Roland Barthes, specifically the Hermeneutic or Enigma Code. This code is when a narratve holds information to develop mystery or leave a plot point unexplained. 

    I feel like this could be interesting to use in my film as i could withhold the specific information as to why the younger brother committed suicide to create that plot hole which could leave viewers wondering what truly did happen. 

    My film would also follow Todorov's Narrative Theory of Equilibrium because the audience will be introduced to the main characters and beginning of the story when the film opens. 

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Group Meeting #2

 We had our second group meeting today