Sunday, February 23, 2025


    For the sounds and audio in our film, we would mostly rely on a song (that we're still trying to find) throughout the scenes where she is in her room as this would have minimal to no dialogue. During this part we would probably need to record some foley sounds for maybe the parents walking around the house, or her setting something down on the counter and the like. Now, for the parts outside of her room, our original plan was to have the parents arguing in their room but we realized that the sound could be muffled because of the door, we still want to try it and see how it comes out but we will most likely have them be in the kitchen so that their dialogue is heard more clearly. 

    For the non-diegetic sounds of our film, such as the background music we'll have from when she's leaving her room until she goes on her bike, I went on the website Pixabay to search for some soft sounds that we could use but I just haven't found one that stands out to me so I'm just gonna have to keep searching for that. I liked the Motivational Background (Corporate City) but it doesnt fit what I'm trying to find. The Cold Sad Pianos could work but I still want to keep looking and see if I can find something else. 

This is another potential one I found:

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Group Meeting #2

 We had our second group meeting today