During the sound lesson, we learned that sound is give a scene dimension, increases the emotional impact, assists viewer's perception and drives character personality. We learned about many different types of sounds that are used during production and the proper way to use them.
For this project, we had to create a soundscape of a scene of something that could happen between 1-2 minutes in real time. We were to find separate sounds of everything that one would hear during that scene, and edit them all together. We were also required to make at least 4 foley sounds in our projects.
During our brainstorming, me and my partner tried to think of places where there's a lot of sounds around, and we decided to do a grocery shop. As we were writing the outline, we started coming up with more and more ideas of sounds we could implement into our project, such as the grocery cart crashing into the aisle, babies crying, and laughter being heard around. This outline helped us organize our sounds by by order of events of what was happening and how the scene progressed. It also helped us create a checklist of all the sound we would need to find and create for our project. We used Premiere Pro when editing our sounds together and it was very helpful to make our transitions more smooth.
Overall, I think it is easy to recognize what our scene is, and I think we did a good job at editing all the sounds together. However, next time, I would like to improve some of the transitions a little bit because some sound choppy.
Our project:
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