This project had us create a 60-90 second film, without sound, based on one word that we were assigned. We had to record and edit the film, showing what we had learned in the class so far.
Me and my partner got the word "curious" and we began with a brainstorm of ideas of what we could do and decided to make a film based on the expression "curiosity killed the cat" after many ideas that just didn't sit right with us, and we made the storyboard for it. We were worried it would be hard to get a cat to do what we wanted, but in the end, after filming it, it turned out just fine. In our brainstorming, we agreed on what shots would help us capture each scene in the best way.
Our storyboard helped us pre-visualize our film by helping us plan the shots we were gonna take, and make the filming process easier and more efficient. On the day of filming, we ran into some difficulties because the cat hid and ran away in the middle of filming, so we had to delay it a little bit.
When editing, I used Premiere Pro and was having a little bit of trouble figuring everything out, but I got the hang of it after playing with it.
Overall, I think our creative take on the word "curious" to create the film stood out and allowed us to adapt our ideas to what we could get a cat to do. I'm really proud of the way we were able to capture the curiosity of the cat using the different shots and angles and techniques we've learned. However, I would have liked to include more editing techniques in my final piece apart from the eyeline match, straight cuts and inserts.